Of Industrial Solutions
ISO 9001:2009
About Us
Shram metals has grown with in a short span of time by beginning in 1995 its present day status. Today the company is a leading manufacturer of non-ferrous alloy casting, (copper base alloys). Bushes and machined components for web off set printing machines, submersible and vertical turbine pumps, earth moving and agri machine industries. We are specialized in bronze bushes bearings of all types.
The growth of the company from the time of start up till date is appreciable. This has become possible due to sheer grit and hard work coupled with sound engineering skills and business acumen of its entrepreneurs and technical team.
The company's products are well accepted in Indian market Which is evident from the esteemed customers list.
The company has adopted a quality management system. The company is committed to produce quality goods along with complete customer satisfaction to meet out the global challenges and comply with all regulatory requirements
The company has a team of experienced and quality engineers. Who have a rich experience to manufacture non-ferrous casting & machined components.
Shram Metals Came into existence in 1995 by Mr. Ravi Agrawal & Devendra Gupta who had vision of serving the country's needs of superior quality non-ferrous casting & machined components.